When I travel, I like to navigate on over to QuTech’s Quantum Inspire and perform simple quantum computing demonstrations for whoever’s willing to pay attention. Now imagine how much attention I might be able to garner if I had an actual device with me? But where the heck am I ever going to find a mobile quantum computer?
Oh, snap….
Mobile Quantum Computer
Quantum Brilliance and parityqc claim to be building a mobile quantum computer, and I actually don’t doubt them. Since Quantum Brilliance is already selling a rack-mounted device, it doesn’t stretch the imagination to shrink the case a little bit and add a battery or something as a mobile power source.
Joke of the Week
Strontium: "I lost an electron.“
Ytterbium: "Are you sure?"
Strontium: "Yes, I'm positive."
The Quantum Dragon’s Retirement Plan
If Matt Swayne and Alex Challans keep illustrating The Quantum Insider like this, The Quantum Dragon will be scuba diving in The Philippines instead of publishing a weekly newsletter. The big question is can you spot Clark Kent in the background investigating how the company is going to “disrupt” an entire industry?
I just… can’t... do it.
I’d like to applaud a hardware design workshop, but I just can’t promote this one. That said, if you work at one of the hardware providers that I’ve recently written positive comments about, I encourage you to consider hosting hardware design workshops of your own.
Hybrid Podcast-Newsletter
First, Yuval Boger interviewed an AI for his The Superposition Guy’s Podcast. Then, Sergio Gago shared an all-AI podcast. Now, Sergio Gago’s Quantum Pirates newsletter is a hybrid podcast-newsletter with an all-AI podcast that sounds kinda sorta like Prof. Michael Biercuk and Dr. Anastasia Marchenkova.
Schrodinger’s Dare
Quantum Innovation Summit is promoting a “truth or dare” series about photonics. I would probably include this just for the wordplay, but I definitely have to include it for the cat. It looks like it stole the power stone from Thanos and swallowed it. This link might require a LinkedIn account.
Diamonds are forever.
I somehow missed this Alice & Bob post from 3 weeks ago. It asserts that cat qubits are incomparable, followed by a diamond symbol. Ironically, this invokes Nitrogen Vacancy Centers (NVC). That said, the wait for a bit-flip error on Boson 4 sure does feel like it lasts forever. This link might require a LinkedIn account.
Drag me!
Thanks to Mohammad Abid Hafiz for sharing this. I’ve seen a Bloch sphere or two in my day, but I’ve never seen one quite like this one from Attila Kun. You can enter amplitudes or a unitary matrix, or you can just click-and-drag the vector around. You can imagine a cat chasing it around like it would the red dot from a laser pointer.
I don’t know what quantum key distribution (QKD) has to do with beer, but I guess everything goes with beer. If you’re capable of travelling back in time 3 days, you can catch a live QKD demo with a presumably-complimentary adult beverage. This link might require a LinkedIn account.
Sabine is perhaps not uncontroversial
Not Uncontroversial
I don’t pay any attention to YouTuber Sabine Hossenfelder and would normally not mention her by name in any of my writing, but when QuantumBasel calls her “not uncontroversial” I cannot ignore such a spectacular double negative.
I’m on top of the world looking down on creation….
I thought scuba diving was an awesome job, and it is, but the visual of climbing a mountain to have some sales meeting with clean air and breathtaking views is awfully competitive. I’m sure Alpine Quantum Technologies (AQT) doesn’t really do that, but it could sure stimulate the imagination. This link might require a LinkedIn account.
Ion Maidens
I wanted to link to the Ion Maiden band of Sergio Gago, Eric Michon, Christopher Bishop, Thomas Ehmer, and Adrian Maguire, and it turns out it’s also a first-person shooter game and the name of at least one other Iron Maiden tribute band. An Iron Maiden lawsuit apparently forced the video game to be renamed Ion Fury.
Perhaps one day I’ll write one of these on the different qubit modalities. But I feel this is more in the wheelhouse of Brian N. Siegelwax who has done a lot of work in that area.
What’s my name?
If Mark McGuire is going to mention my name in an article, I am morally, ethically, and legally obligated to include said article in this newsletter. I’m particularly fond of his reality check on Qiskit, which more people need to speak out loud. This link should not require a Medium account.
Fornicating Awesome Research
Dr. Nicole Yunger Halpern had a rather vulgar conversation with her husband, and it bears repeating. And after you read that, help me wonder aloud why the word “bullshit” is allowed to be official quantum jargon but we still have to censor other colorful words. This link might require a LinkedIn account.
Grocery Shopping
Dr. Constantin Gonciulea provides an interesting comparison of quantum computers and classical computers. I don’t want to give the whole shebang away here, but I will say that it does mention helicopters, my favorite way to travel. If you ever get a chance to ride with the side doors open, do it.
Talking Points for Quantum Champions
I need some kind of RSS feed for everything Prof. Chris Ferrie writes, but until that day comes, I’ll keep posting these links manually. The key takeaways this week are: 1) you should read this, and 2) … well… that’s about it. Just read it. This link doesn’t seem to require a Medium account.
Inside Quantum Biology
Inspired by Sergio Gago’s all-AI podcast (see above), Dr. Abbas (Omid) Hassasfar has done something similar with a quantum biology theme. I’d like to ask the AI how The Quantum Dragon is capable of breathing fire and see if it tries to explain how firebreathing might work if it were a real phenomenon.
Come and get your love.
I don’t know if that’s going to be one of the songs, but I’m pretty sure you won’t need to borrow a cassette recorder from Star-Lord to listen to QUBISM by Prof. Eduardo Reck Miranda. Supported by Moth Quantum, this will be the first ever music release featuring compositions by quantum computers.
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